Red Wigglers, the Cadillac of worms

WKRP in Cincinnati was always one of my favorite television shows. Although not much of a hit when it originally aired from 1978-1982, WKRP was a blockbuster in syndication, and can still be seen on WGN (tonight at 6 pm Central, Bailey lets Johnny move in). Amy got me the complete first season on DVD.

The episode where station manager Arthur Carlson regrettably takes on the religious right came to mind when reading about the Digestive Table (below, left), created by artist Amy Young who lives in … Ohio.

This homebrew "bio-factory" includes a dense mixture of live Red Wiggler composting worms, sowbugs, shredded paper, food scraps, and other biodegradeable materials. Included in the table structure is an embedded LCD screen and infrared camera so that people dining at the table can catch a glimpse of the decomposition process happening below. Although this reviewer likes the utilitarian aspect of this table concept, I would be hesitant about eating a meal near any kind of decomposition process.

One of WKRP’s long-time advertizers is Harvey, who sells, “Red Wigglers, the Cadillac of worms.” Catchy jingle too. Compost away, I do, but outside, not at the dinner table.