Health inspectors from Brighton and Hove City Council said the conditions of Riz Raz Egyptian restaurant reminded them of a farmyard, reports The Argus. [I]nspectors revealed how grime and cigarette ends were found on work surfaces at Riz Raz – despite two previous warnings. The eaterie, in Western Road, which had cobwebs and grease hanging from the cooker hood, did not even have hot water for workers to wash their hands.
The owner of Riz Raz, Alaa Asfour, was fined £5,650 after admitting to breaking 17 food hygiene regulations.
Nicholas Wilmot, one of the council’s environmental health managers, said he found floors blackened with dirt and grease on walls and pipes.
He continued, “I advised Mr. Asfour that conditions in the cooking area were so filthy that it reminded me of a farmyard.”
Scores on Doors is a restaurant disclosure system in the UK that uses star-ratings posted at the establishment to communicate inspection results to the public. I would assume Riz Raz’s latest star-rating was around zero-out-of-five stars, however I can’t confirm this as the restaurant isn’t in the online database of results.