Live crabs in loo highlight Sydney’s name and shame

A fish market that stored crabs in a toilet cubicle is amongst the newest addition to the NSW Government’s name and shame list, available at

Primary Industries Minister Ian Macdonald said Jemes Fish Market on Liverpool Road, Ashfield, in the city’s inner west, was hit with two fines of $660 for storing live crabs in a toilet cubicle.

"This is one of the most outrageous cases of food storage I have ever heard about. It is unhygienic and is just not fair on consumers who pay good money for their food."

Among the other 45 additions to the website this week is Jesters at Forestville in Sydney’s north, fined $1980 for having containers of raw foods encrusted with food waste and cockroach activity, and Choy Restaurant in Belmore Road, Randwick, in Sydney’s east, which was been slapped with three fines worth $1980 for having a dead rodent in the storage area, as well as vermin activity and unclean premises.