Plot to kill former Philippines’ president with salmonella?

The camp of former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo suspects that her diarrhea could be part of the alleged plot to "put her to sleep."

A radio report said that according to lawyer Ferdinand Topacio, they are now investigating the possibility that contaminated food was deliberately given to Mrs. Arroyo at the St. Luke’s Medical Center (SLMC) in Taguig City as part of the alleged "Oplan: Put The Little Girl To Sleep".

Topacio cited the statement of Dr. Juliet Gopez-Cervantes, the main attending physician of Mrs. Arroyo, that the former president was suffering from diarrhea likely caused by salmonella, which can be passed on to a patient through contaminated food.

Meanwhile, the lawyer said that according to Mrs. Arroyo’s doctors, it was also possible that the former president already had the salmonella bacteria inside her intestines and that it could have just been aggravated by certain factors.

The report said that Topacio reminded reporters during an ambush interview this afternoon that part of the kill plot was to serve poisoned food to Mrs. Arroyo at the hospital.

Topacio reiterated that their source on the kill plot is very reliable. He repeated earlier claims by Mrs. Arroyo’s spokesperson, Elena Bautista-Horn, that the source is currently connected in government.