Fail: Horse meat in lasagna may be donkey

As questions become increasingly shocking in the EU horsegate scandal – do retailers have any idea what they are selling, was it the mob, how does donkey taste – Rob Mancini writes about being Italian and lasagna.

There are two prerequisites required for an Italian: being able to adequately cook and to kick ass in soccer. So when I come across a story where horse horse.laughmeat is used in lasagna, this irks me. FSAI reports

Findus’ own checks revealed that some of its frozen lasagnes contain more than 60% horse meat.  The products have been withdrawn from sale from Tesco stores in Ireland, but may also be on sale in independent retail shops. Tests are currently underway to determine if the horse meat contains the veterinary medicine, phenylbutazone, commonly known as “bute”.

Nature Of Danger:

Phenylbutazone is not permitted in the food chain as it can pose a risk to health. In rare cases it can cause a serious blood disorder.  However, if horse meat that is contaminated with bute is consumed, the risk of damage to human health is considered to be low.

A proper lasagna must have a delicate balance of veal and pork gently caressed in a slew of ricotta cheese peppered with a touch of fresh nutmeg. I know what I’m eating tonight. Awesome recipe here: