Microbiologically safe missing in Whole Foods Responsibly Grown system

In what demented universe did Whole Foods become the arbiter of responsibly grown anything?

virtueThere’s no more “Good” “Better” and “Best” in the future of the Whole Foods Market Inc.’s Responsibly Grown rating system.

The Packer reports that in a recent blog post Edmund LaMacchia, global vice president of perishable purchasing for the Austin, Texas-based retailer outlined a five-point plan to simplify and improve the program for consumers and growers.

“We launched Responsibly Grown with the goal of creating a dynamic program that we would continuously evolve with our suppliers to address important agriculture issues affecting human health and the environment. Since we launched the programs in our stores, we’ve had a lot of productive dialogue with all of our stakeholders on how we can continue to enhance the program as we move it forward.”

I care primarily about the things that make people barf, so where’s the details on that, or just more hucksterism to make an extra buck?