Kansas wins NCAA men’s basketball

The fans have taken to the streets 90 miles east of Manhattan (Kansas) in Lawrence, celebrating the dramatic come-from-behind-overtime KU victory over Memphis in the U.S. men’s college basketball championship tonight.

People on TV swarming the streets in Lawrence are saying this is the happiest moment of their entire lives.

Ahem …

Being Canadian, I don’t get all the intra-state rivalry; this KU logo may draw more vigorous complaints than Honduran cantaloupes.

But I say, good for Kansas. And besides, Kansas State was one of three teams that actually beat KU this season.

Now, about that hockey arena …

KState beats KU in men’s basketball; fans mob floor

It was purple madness in Manhattan (Kansas) tonight.

For the first time in 24 years, Kansas State beat number 2 ranked Kansas at home, 84-75.

I have nothing on food safety. But Amy won free tickets for the rest of the season from a draw at a local Radio Shack and this was the first college basketball game I’d ever attended.

Guess we picked a good one.

I  think Bramlage Coliseum would make an excellent hockey arena.