It’s all fine until someone gets Salmonella; Queensland Premier dopey on food safety

One of the claims in former Australian Prime Minister Julian Gillard’s new biop is that ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher cut Queensland Premier Campbell Newman down to size at his first COAG meeting after being elected Premier, because of Salmonella.

Campbell NewmanMs Gillard said Mr Newman was “a pugnacious individual”, who was describing at length to the other premiers and chief ministers his plans to cut regulations in his state.

He said at his local kebab shop he had been appalled to find out how many regulations there were on the handling of meat, including rules regarding the temperature the meat needed to be while on the spit and he was going to abolish all this red tape.

Ms Gillard said the “studiously polite” Katy Gallagher then spoke up, commenting that would be all fine “until the first Salmonella outbreak.”

There have been many Salmonella outbreaks since then.