Salmonella outbreak sickens dozens in Chile, linked to

Outbreak News Today reported in Nov. 2019, a Salmonella outbreak in Maipú commune in Santiago Province has now affected 80 people, according to the Chile news source, T13 (computer translated).

This is up from 45 cases reported ill at the El Carmen Hospital with symptoms of Salmonella on Tuesday.

Health officials have linked to outbreak to the consumption of sushi at a Bokado sushi store.

“This is an important call for the preparation of these products, they must be cooked.  They must not use salmon or raw seafood, they  must use cooked products , ” said Health Seremi, Rosa Oyarce.

Looks like Chile has an egg problem: 174 sick with Salmonella linked to homemade mayo

The Bío Bío Department of Health has confirmed 174 cases of salmonellosis in people who consumed homemade mayonnaise in the local “Dulce y Salado” (“Sweet and Salty”) of Lota.

Among those affected are 25 hospitalized for severe dehydration, including a pregnant woman. There are also sufferers of all ages, such as a one-year-old baby and up to an adult older than 91.
According to the health authority, the number of patients should not increase substantially due to the number of days that have passed since the closure of the premises, on Jan. 3. 2018. Now it is expected that laboratories in Santiago will determine the serotype of the strain, which may allow them to fully define whether the raw egg was responsible for this outbreak.


3000 sick; norovirus in Chilean water supply

The city of Ovalle in Chile’s Coquimbo region suffered a massive outbreak of norovirus in the first week of September, infecting 3,000-plus residents, due to insufficient chlorine levels in the norovirus-2potable water supplied by water utility Aguas del Valle, according to a release by the regional health authority Seremi.

“What happened is that 24, 36 and 48 hours before the outbreak on September 3 there was a drop in chlorine levels and the water was contaminated by norovirus from the Limarí river… which is why we are carrying out a report into the role of the sanitation company,” said Seremi head Osvaldo Iribarren.

The authority said that the result of the report will be passed to the public prosecutors office in compliance with article 315 of the penal code.

Aguas del Valle, for its part, said the health authority’s chlorine measurements are “not trustworthy” as its methods “did not comply with industry protocol” and the tools used were “totally obsolete.”

The water utility maintains that chlorine in the water supply and at its plant has been above stipulated levels, and that there is no evidence implicating the firm in the norovirus outbreak.

4 dead, 90 sick from listeria in brie in Chile

Chilean officials are ordering a recall of a brie cheese suspected of causing a listeriosis bacteria outbreak that has killed four people.

The health ministry says
investigators are trying to determine if Brie Lescure cheese made by the Chilean-French Chevrita company is responsible for an outbreak of the disease that also has sickened about 90 people.

Chevrita manager Denis Lebret said Tuesday the company is conducting its own investigation and he says the recall is "just a precaution."

He said the brie "is made with pasteurized milk and the bacteria does not resist pasteurization."