Empedocles the Empiricist: 6-legged calf survives in Australia

There was this one time, my first wife, the veterinarian, was working as a student in an anatomy lab at the vet college. She gave me a call one evening and said, get here quick, you have to see this.

Off i went and unknowingly strolled into the receiving area at the vet college and there was a newborn Holstein with two heads, and it was alive.

It later died.

A few years later I started a MSc in Philosophy of science. We were talking about Empedocles, and his descriptions of various mutant animals, and I told the class about the two-headed cow.

I argued it was biology and was reporting what he observed, and Iabeled him Empedocles the Empiricist.

The rest of the class snickered and went on with their elaborate, probably drug-induced crazy metaphor-based analysis.

I finished the class but dropped out. Talking shit all day and night is sorta boring.

Channel 7 Toowomba reports a three-week old calf has left some Queensland (that’s the state in Australia where we live) cattle farmers dumbfounded. It was born with not four but six legs, and today it defied the odds and survived surgery to remove the extra limbs.