52 sick from Salmonella linked to café in Poland

As evidenced by recent reports, Green Caffe Nero clients in Warsaw, Krakow and Wrocław have asked about the “Green Mosque” cake. Some of them are in hospital. Among the victims of salmonella raging in the famous coffee bar are children.

According to Warsaw’s “Metro”, 52 cases were reported in total. As many as 21 people required hospitalization, including three children. In total there are 6 children among the victims. Sanepid not only inspected Warsaw’s premises Green Caffe Nero but also cafes in Wrocław and Kraków . There were also infected cakes. Krakow inspection confirmed that she had four people suffering from salmonella after eating the “green moss” dough. At least one of the sick people was poisoned in Wrocław.

As the InnPoland.pl portal reported, the cafeteria did not hide its head in the sand and started the investigation itself. Without wrapping cotton, Green Caffe Nero took responsibility for itself. Although their managers still prescribe that salmonella was “slammed” into the cafeteria together with one of the ingredients from subcontractors.

Also 21 companies were inspected, where they identified the irregularities mainly concerned the breakdown of the cold chain for offered products. The network was also fined in the form of a fine for a total amount of PLN 4,800.