Naked man charged with stealing Hungry Jack’s Whopper from car in Australia

Hungry Jack’s is to Australia what Burger king is to America. Owned by the same company, but some dude wouldn’t give up the name in Australia.

monty-brian-3_2738920kA naked man was arrested and charged after he allegedly stole a Whopper from a man’s car in Derby, 2400km north of Perth.

Derby police say the local man stole the Hungry Jack’s burger from a tradesman’s car parked in the remote town. The tradesman had organised for a friend to bring him several Whoppers from Darwin (no less than 1800km north-east) in the days prior to the alleged theft.

Police say one of the burgers was left in the car and the local forced his way inside and took it. When he was confronted by the tradesman, the offender removed all his clothes and walked away, police said.

Officers apprehended him in the street a short time later and charged him by summons with stealing and disorderly behavior.

Metal in onion ring caused ‘much soul-searching’ $75,000 fine for Hungry Jack’s

Hungry Jack’s is the sole Australian franchisee for the American fast-food joint, Burger King.

One of the outlets in Beechboro, northeast of Perth, was fined $75,000 for selling food that contained a piece of metal.


Hungry Jack’s was convicted in the Perth Magistrates Court of selling unsuitable food after a woman nearly choked on the 1.5cm piece of metal in an onion ring purchased in February.

A lawyer for Hungry Jack’s said the matter had been the subject of much “soul searching” for company management.

A spokesman for Hungry Jack’s said the company was “surprised and disappointed” by the findings and intended to appeal the decision.

“We have sophisticated quality assurance and rigorous training systems, which we believe stand up to scrutiny,” he said.