UK chip shop owners ordered to pay £4,540

The owners of a city chippy, who pleaded guilty to seven offences under the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013, were both ordered to pay £2,270 each at Birmingham Magistrates Court today (12 August 2015).

chipsArshad Zaman, 42, and Shafqat Zaman, 30, of Kingswood Road, Moseley, who run Quick Fry Chippy, at 153 Anderton Road, Small Heath, were both fined £1,650 and ordered to pay £500 costs plus a victim surcharge of £120 each.

Birmingham City Council prosecuted the business after environmental health officers found poor cross-contamination practices on 14 April 2014. This was a planned follow-up visit to a previous inspection, in between which the defendants had taken over the chip shop.

An officer revisited the premises – which also sells takeaway Indian curries – on 27 May 2014, when she found there were still poor conditions and practices, plus no documented food safety management system in place.  A schedule of works was left with Arshad Zaman.

However when the officer returned on 4 August 2014, she saw no evidence of improvement and a food safety management system was not in place.