Beer for breakfast: Anthony Bourdain thinks love of craft beer is dumb and a return to Trump family values

For our American friends who have reverted to times before sanitation and are having beer for breakfast – water would kill you – Anthony Bourdain says forget the craft beer:

blonde-beer-nov-17“I would say that the angriest critiques I get from people about shows are when I’m drinking whatever convenient cold beer is available in a particular place, and not drinking the best beer out there. You know, I haven’t made the effort to walk down the street 10 blocks to the microbrewery where they’re making some fucking Mumford and Sons IPA.”

“I like cold beer. And I like to have a good time. I don’t like to talk about beer, honestly. I don’t like to talk about wine. I like to drink beer. If you bring me a really good one, a good craft beer, I will enjoy it, and say so. But I’m not gonna analyze it.”

I’m not really into Bourdain or other celebrity chefs — if you think Trump is a low-water mark, what about the 200-year-old industry of food hucksterism and porn telling us what to consume — but I gotta agree with the beer thing.

I have an internal guffaw every time I see some hipster in Canada or Australia drinking Corona from Mexico, renowned for its drinking water quality. That’s why beer is made — to ferment all the nasty shit out of whatever water is around. It doesn’t need to be shipped halfway around the world.

You may also want to avoid the Original Brock St. Brewing Company brand Blonde Beer which has been recalled in Ontario because the cans have a tendency to swell and burst.

This recall was triggered by the company. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is conducting a food safety investigation, which may lead to the recall of other products.

On the road …

That’s what Benji and I looked like when we started out on a road trip in Oct. 2005 that sooner, rather than later, landed me permanently at Kansas State.

Today I departed solo for a brief — very brief — stay in Melbourne, Australia.

So far I’ve made it to Dallas.

The flight was a mixture of blessings — I finally started into Anthony Bourdain’s 2001 epic, A Cook’s Tour, and the flight attendant gave me a free beer. Even had an empty seat beside me, a rare blessing on flights these days.

However the 60-something dude in front of me who couldn’t wait to get his seat back and thrash his head and overtly large body around like there was a giant lizard strapped to his face for the entire short flight was, uh, interesting.

The first two chapters of Bourdain’s book — killing the pig in Portugal and recreating his childhood summers in southwest France — were full of great writing, food and life. Amy will enjoy the French parts. Sounded like where we were this summer, writing …