The Internet is useful for all sorts of things beyond food safety – it’s been a boon for genealogy research.
Which is how we ended up meeting with Carl yesterday at The Fountain Inn in Tipton, U.K., not far from Birmingham.
At one point Carl asked, “So what do you think of it over here?”
“Oddly comfortable.”
Carl got in touch with me electronically after I posted something about William Perry, aka The Tipton Slasher, who was the bare-knuckle heavyweight boxing champ of England from 1850-1857.
Carl, who is descended from one of William Perry’s brothers, had detailed genealogies, constructed from birth and wedding certificates from the area. Tipton’s favorite son, the Slasher, had a son, William Perry II, who had a daughter, Sally or Sarah (she was called both), who married George Edward Powell I. They had a son, George Edward Powell II, who was my grandfather (and there’s nothing noble about the I and II; as cousin Keith said, they were grafters, which in Brit-speak means hard workers). So I got it wrong before, and the Slasher was my great-great-great grandfather.
Sorenne and I posed in front of the statue of gramps in the park across from the Fountain Inn, which was the Slasher’s headquarters and training site before he became champ, and adjacent to one of the many canals constructed in the early 1800s to feed the industrial machine that was Birmingham. Perry started fighting fellow boatmen on the local canals to determine who would be first through the lockgates.
And while we were too early for food, the Fountain Inn did proudly display its food license and level II catering certificate. The slideshow below has lots of cool pics.