32 students suffer food poisoning at Gion hotel in Kyoto

A group of 32 high school children staying in a traditional Japanese inn in Kyoto’s famous Gion area were rushed to hospital on Friday after an outbreak of food poisoning.

Police said that the students were staying at Karaku, a traditional Japanese-style inn in the heart of Kyoto’s geisha district. The first year high school students from Iwate Prefecture began vomiting and complaining of stomach pain at about 3 a.m., NTV reported. At the time the children were taken to hospital, three of them were unable to walk, authorities said.

The students had been staying at the inn since Wednesday and had their breakfast and dinner there. The inn was reportedly already under investigation by Kyoto city authorities due to reports of stomach pain from a different group of 11 school children who stayed at the inn on Dec 2.