Boy, 10, dies eight years after he was paralysed by contaminated Lidl beefburger

Nolan Moittie was 23-months-old when he became one of 15 children in the Hauts-de-France region to fall ill having eaten beef contaminated with E. coli.

The boy was left paralysed for life, unable to walk, talk or eat.

Yesterday he was rushed to intensive care when his heart stopped beating.

He died shortly afterwards, despite medics’ efforts to revive him, Le Parisien reported.

The other children suffer from conditions that will affect their kidneys for the rest of their lives.

The lawyer of Nolan’s family, Florence Rault, said the boy had suffered a ‘real ordeal since the accident’.

Bosses at Seb-Cerf, who marketed frozen steaks under the Steak Country brand, were tried at Douai Criminal Court in northern France in 2017.

Former boss Guy Lamorlette, 78, was sentenced to three years in prison for failing to carry out checks on the meat.

He was also banned from any industrial or commercial activity and ordered to pay damages to the victims.

At a February hearing Lamorlette tried to blame Laurent Appere, the company’s former quality manager who died just before the trial began.

Lamorlette is said to be considering an appeal.

Nolan’s family lawyer, Florence Rault, told Le Parisien: “I hope that the person responsible for this tragedy will have the decency to withdraw his appeal on points of law.

“At the first trial, he did not even want to watch Nolan, now he must serve his sentence and Nolan’s parents must be able to be compensated and mourn.”

French boy permanently disabled by E. coli in frozen beef

In June, 2011, eight children in Northern France were initially diagnosed with E. coli O157 after eating beef burgers bought from German discount retailer, Lidl.

In May 2012, the Institut de veille sanitaire summarized the outbreak, and revealed 17 children were sickened, 16 from E. coli O157-O177 and 1 due to E. coli O157-O26.

Now, a trial has begun for two former executives of French frozen food company SEB, charged with a “deliberate violation of safety obligations” that put customers at risk and caused involuntary injuries. Their trial began on Tuesday, June 6, and the two men face prison if convicted.

SEB has since gone out of business.

According to The Local, in 2011 a two-year-old boy named Nolan Moittie was one of 17 people in France who became seriously ill after eating steak hachés, or chopped steak patties, that were contaminated with E. coli bacteria, and which had been sold frozen at a Lidl grocery store. The illness caused the two-year-old boy to have a heart attack and fall into a coma while in the hospital.

The E. coli infection caused irreversible damage, and while Moittie survived and is now eight years old, he can’t talk and no longer has the use of 80 percent of his body. Doctors say the damage is irreversible.

But neither man is accepting responsibility and the defense is claiming that the illness from the minced beef was a result of consumers not storing and preparing them properly. 
Just cook it doesn’t cut it.
“Money as they say, won’t bring you happiness,  and it won’t help my son get back to how he was before,” his mother Priscilla said.
Steak hachés are a staple dish in France, particularly among children. In 2009 some 250,000 tonnes were sold, half of which were sold as frozen products.