Everyone’s got a camera — raccoons in New York Chinese restaurant edition

Rise of the raccoons.

raccoon.liam.neesonLast week it was a raccoon at a Tim Hortons in Toronto.

Now it’s a Chinese restaurant in the Bronx.

According to DNA Info, Bronxite Tamika Jones recently took a video of a pair of the creatures clinging tenaciously to a metal gate inside of a Chinese restaurant in The Bronx while her godfather valiantly tries (and eventually succeeds at) chasing the creatures away with a broom.

An “A” grade from the Health Department is posted right next to the gate that the raccoons tried to claim as their own territory.

The viral video, credited to Jukin Media, has already been viewed more than 2 million times and shared more than 57,000 times on Facebook.



Don’t eat raccoon poop

CBC News reported last night that parents should be on alert for raccoon roundworm, a rare parasite transmitted through contact with the animal’s feces, which has left a New York infant with brain damage and a teenager blind.

Raccoon roundworm or Baylisascaris procyonis is an extremely rare parasitic infection in humans that can cause nausea, nerve damage and even death.

People become infected by swallowing the parasite’s eggs that are shed in the feces of infected raccoons.

Parents should supervise children to keep them away from raccoon feces, Sally Slavinski, a spokeswoman for the city’s health department, said Monday.

The infant has been hospitalized since suffering seizures and spinal problems last October and now has permanent brain damage.

The infant had a history of eating soil, and swallowing soil contaminated with raccoon feces is the most likely source of infection, the city’s alert said. The 17-year-old lost sight in the right eye in January. Both are from Brooklyn.

"Avoiding Baylisascaris means avoiding ingestion of raccoon stool," veterinarian Scott Weese of the University of Guelph wrote in his blog, Worms & Germs, which promotes safe pet ownership.

Raccoon: the other dark meat

When I was 17-years-old, my friend Dave and I hitchhiked to Grand Bend, Ontario, on Lake Huron, to go camping for a few days.

A camping neighbor went into town and bought us four cases of beer – for a fee. We asked for Pleasure Packs – Molson Canadian and Export – and he came back with something else. It contained a beer called 50. Horrible, horrible beer.

But we drank it.

I won’t go into all the sordid details – girlfriends visiting and not being happy, sleeping with the American girls, the dead raccoon – but we got kicked out of the park and then rechecked in under another name.

Did I mention the dead raccoon?

We didn’t eat it.

But I didn’t know about Missouri back then.

The Kansas City Star reported this morning,

He rolls into the parking lot of Leon’s Thriftway in an old, maroon Impala with a trunk full of frozen meat. Raccoon — the other dark meat.

In five minutes, Montrose, Mo., trapper Larry Brownsberger is sold out in the lot at 39th Street and Kensington Avenue. Word has gotten around about how clean his frozen raccoon carcasses are. How nicely they’re tucked up in their brown butcher paper. How they almost look like a trussed turkey … or something.

Seriously, Dave and I drove a 1972 Impala to Grand Bend.

Raccoons go for $3 to $7 — each, not per pound — and will feed about five adults. Four, if they’re really hungry.

Those who dine on raccoon meat sound the same refrain: It’s good eatin’. …

The meat isn’t USDA-inspected, and few state regulations apply, same as with deer and other game. No laws prevent trappers from selling raccoon carcasses.