Most Canadian heist ever: Guy in goalie gear robs Manitoba beer store

I was in Brisbane.


RCMP in Manitoba are on the hunt for two people who pulled off a beer store heist in the community of Russell.

One of the suspects had a hockey stick and was apparently dressed as a goalie.

In surveillance footage from Aug. 15 posted on YouTube, the men are seen smashing a door and walking into the store to steal a bunch of beer.

Police said the one suspect may have been “a defenceman or forward in disguise as he was wearing jersey #17 — a non-traditional number for goalies.”

“Anyone with information about this theft or has played against a goalie matching this description is asked to call Russell RCMP,” the RCMP added.

In others matters Canadiana the full concert of the Aug. 20, 2016 Tragically Hip show that was broadcast around the country – and world – is now up on youtube at

I laughed, I cried, I rocked.


Is that a sausage in your hand or are you just happy to see me? Man robs man using stolen sausage

A Massachusetts man allegedly attacked and robbed a man using sausage links as a weapon.

Michael A Baker, 22, not only stole jewellery and a bicycle from the victim, police said, but the sausage was stolen from a stand in Brockton, south of Boston.

A man told police he was riding his bicycle in Brockton at around 8am local time on Sunday when Baker approached him and "started swinging sausage links at him," Brockton Police Lt David Dickinson said.

The victim, understandably, "had no idea why," according to Dickinson.
Baker then allegedly tossed the sausage, along with bread and cheese, and switched to a more formidable weapon: a wrench.

The victim said Baker took a silver chain, a ring and his bicycle, according to The Enterprise News.

Officers later apprehended Baker on the bicycle with the wrench in his pocket and bloodstains on his clothes.