American Idol Group Night explosive with barf

I don’t watch American Idol; I saw enough of Steven Tyler performing half-time at the Super Bowl. But I pay attention when my health-type friends tell me, the contestants on American Idol this week suffered from Idol Flu, with many gratuitous vomit shots, lots of hugging and no handwashing in sight.

Amy (Tent Girl) Brumfield earned a new nickname — Patient Zero. She brought a stomach bug to Hollywood with her, and, soon, practically every group has to carry their own plastic bag with them, just in case somebody loses their dinner.

A few of the more promising singers — Johnny Keyser, David Leathers Jr. and Deandre Brackensick — looked like they’ve got their acts together. But this Group Night show featured as much drama, and as much retching, as it did actual singing.

Maybe it was norovirus; maybe the barfing contestants were forced to watch their own show.

Blame it on the Paraguayans: Tyler says food poisoning brought on shower fall

Aerosmith frontman, American Idol judge and androgynous scarf-model Steven Tyler fell in his shower this morning in a Paraguay hotel, requiring treatment for injuries to his face, including loss of teeth.

Sources connected with Tyler told TMZ dude was suffering from dehydration caused by a bout of food poisoning.

TMZ spoke with the singer’s manager … who described Tyler’s injuries as "minor" and said Steven has already been released from the hospital.