Tooth in chips; NZ woman nearly barfs

A Dunedin woman having a bite to eat at her parent’s house says she nearly threw up when her chips bit back.

The woman was munching her way through the crumbs at the bottom of a packet of Eta Ripple-cut spring onion-flavoured potato chips when she bit down on something hard.

Thinking it was a chip, she bit down harder.

As she told The New Zealand Herald, “When I couldn’t crunch it, I spat it out and saw it was tooth. I thought it was one of my teeth so I looked in the mirror, but it wasn’t one of my teeth and I felt a bit queasy.”

The 22-year-old woman, who did not want to be identified, said the experience had left her feeling “a bit sick” and had put her off chips for a while.

Her mother said the partial tooth appeared to be from an adult molar.

A spokesman for manufacturer Griffins said yesterday the woman should contact the company.

The woman said yesterday she was still not sure if she would lodge a complaint.

Pins in packets; chip contamination scare

Police are investigating the suspected deliberate contamination of a number of snack food packets, believed to be potato chips, at a Melbourne supermarket last week.

A police spokeswoman confirmed officers were working with the Department of Health and the manufacturer to determine whether the contamination was deliberate.

A caller to 3AW’s rumor file today claimed that pins, needles and paper clips were found inside three packets of chips in the supermarket.

The police spokeswoman could not confirm the location of the supermarket or any further details about the investigation, however said the "safety of consumers is paramount."

No public health warning has been issued.

Newborn mice found in chips at UK supermarket; it’s OK, we’re near a canal

A Birmingham mum went wild in the aisles – when newborn mice burst out of crisp packets in a busy supermarket.

Stunned shopper Liz Wray was horrified when she saw half a dozen pink mice emerge from multipacks of crisps at a new Tesco store in Aston Lane, Aston.

The mum-of-one snapped pictures of the mice on her phone (right) and confronted the store manager but said she was horrified Tesco bosses decided not to shut the store down.

“All the staff did was put a cardboard box over the mice and closed aisle six,” said Liz, a health visitor from Kings Norton. “I was with a work colleague who reached out towards the crisps and started screaming.

“Suddenly these tiny pink things appeared from the multipacks and were lying in front of us.

“They were repulsive and made me feel revolting. There were half a dozen of them crawling out of different holes in the crisps and we couldn’t believe our eyes. …

“When I told the store manager, he said ‘We can’t do much about it because we are near a canal and railway track and the mice tend to come through the floor.’”

Mouse bits in shrimp snack shocks Koreans

The BBC reported last week that Nongshim, a leading Korean snack manufacturer, received information back in mid-February that a spin-off of its famous shrimp chips, Saewookkang, contained what was believed to be a mouse’s head. However, the company allegedly suppressed the matter until it became public.

A consumer in North Chungcheong Province reportedly bought a 400g Noraebang Saewookkang pack on Feb. 18. The buyer found a 16mm-long material with hair inside the pack and reported it to the company.

Nongshim imports the dough from its China factory in Qingdao and manufactures the snack’s final packs in Korea.

Nongshim took action like analyzing the foreign material discovered in the product. But the company hadn’t done much until the Korea Food and Drug Administration publicly reported the issue.

The public is now accusing the company of knowingly selling snacks made from the same contaminated dough for nearly a month and a growing number of consumers are boycotting the company’s products, dubbing Saewookkang not as shrimp chips, but as mouse`s head chips.

The Korea Times subsequently said in an editorial that all this can only happen in a country where businesses put corporate profits and images over consumers’ health and safety — and get away with it.