CSPI, Ramsey race to the gutter of food gimmicks

Hunter S. Thompson wannabe and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain sorta got it right when he told a recent interviewer that “I, personally, think there is a real danger of taking food too seriously. Food should allen-spermbe part of the bigger picture. I think the Italian’s have the right balance.”

I cook a lot of Italian.

The U.S. Center for Science in the Public Interest, or CSPI, released a report today that was essentially a top-10 list of risky meats.

Top-10 lists are great entertainment, but lousy public policy.

I was shown an advance copy of the report, and told Rachael Rettner of My Health News Daily (who had no trouble tracking me down, even though my geographic location always changes) the report was a gimmick. Probably designed by some PR hack.

“Douglas Powell, a professor of food safety at Kansas State University, called the rankings a “gimmick” that distracts people from the big picture that all foods come with risks.

“To my mind, all food is risky and should be treated with care,” Powell said. It’s important, he said, “to treat all foods, not just meat, but produce — everything — as a potential sources of dangerous microorganisms.

“Over the last decade, the biggest source of foodborne illness has been produce, which consumers often eat raw, he added.

“Consumers should use a thermometer to tell when their food has reached the proper internal temperature, Powell said. They should thoroughly wash all produce and discard vegetable peels.”

(I compost mine.)

To the boring details, CSPI says between 1998 and 2010, chicken products, including roasted, grilled and ground chicken, were definitively linked to 452 outbreaks of foodborne illness and 6,896 cases of illness in the U.S.

Ground beef came in second.

Meanwhile over at Hell’s Kitchen, a show I never watch, a pregnant woman was apparently fed raw chicken.

I understand the economics behind these cooking shows, amazing celebrity.chefstrips, and real housewives of wherever.

They are cheap to produce and broadcast.

We wrote a peer-reviewed paper about dumb celebrity chefs 10 years ago; nothing has changed; the gutter can be more interesting but only  with an open mind. This is nothing but hackdom.

Hate is a strong word, especially for thermometers

There’s a 10-minute segment of Gordon Ramsey determining food is appropriately cooked by color and fingers (although some of the pieces were so ridiculously raw even I could have fingered the meat and concluded it was raw).

After the chef-wannabes repeatedly fail to meet expectations of their daddy, one chef decides to use a thermometer to make sure she gets it right.

“A thermometer. The day we need that to cook a breast of chicken — you, get out.”

I have no idea why people watch this crap, although we all have our own crap, and as master salesmen Herb Tarlek said decades ago, tacky sells. Thanks to my military friend for sending it along.

Cook steaks to 120 F, 160 or 170 , not to bloody, red or pink

Chef Ramsey’s kitchen rage is topped only by Donald Trump’s hair, rants, and famous line “you are fired.”

The final challenge on Ramsey’s latest show was to determine which of two chefs stays one more week by cooking three steaks each, one rare, one medium, and one well done. As one of the chefs uses a tip sensitive digital thermometer to check temperatures, Chef Graham Elliot comments something along these lines – every time he uses the thermometer, he lets those juices flow out.

According to the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, medium steaks should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160º F, well done 170º F and rare is not listed, but it’s usually around 120º-125º F (no one really knows). Four out of the six steaks looked pretty much the same (right, exactly as shown), so we’ll never know what the temperatures were.

When I ask for my steak to be rare, get it to at least 120º F and don’t even think about using the cheek or hand tests.

Another celebretard chef: Antony Worrall Thompson’s pub scores 1-out-of-5 stars after inspection

The TV chef who Gordon Ramsey once called a Teletubby, Antony Worrall Thompson, blames bureaucrats for the one-star-out-of-five for hygiene at his Oxfordshire gastro pub.

Worrall Thompson said failing to fill out "bits of paper" led to the low score at The Greyhound, in Henley-on-Thames.

Worrall Thompson admitted food had been found beneath his fridge and oven during the inspection, but that people would need to be on their "hands and knees with a torch" to find it, adding,

"All [the public] want to know is if they’re going to be poisoned. The public don’t care if the paperwork isn’t done. It’s treating everyone as if they haven’t got a brain. It’s got absurd, the amount of paperwork you have to do. There’s this inbuilt hatred between Environmental Health Officers and chefs. We should be working together."

Council cabinet member for health, Dorothy Brown, said,

"Mr Worrall Thompson is mistaken that our Scores on the Doors scheme is overly bureaucratic and driven by paperwork, when it is in fact driven by the need to improve food hygiene standards.”

Worrall Thompson has shown up in barfblog.com before. He was a signatory to a open letter calling on the British public to ask where their food comes from (from under the fridge?), he published a recipe in Healthy & Organic Living that included a toxic plant as an ingredient, and has run afoul of public health types for using paving stones as a kitchen counter at a public BBQ.

Food preparer Gordon Ramsey is boring, ineffective and inaccurate

The National Hockey League season debuted on Thursday, and all 30 teams played on Saturday, including games in Finland and Sweden, the later featuring a ceremonial puck dropping by one of Heston Blumenthal’s love fathers, former Toronto Maple Leaf Mats Sundin.

The less I play hockey, the more I watch, which is somewhat sad. But it is fun to watch various coaching styles. The yellers never prosper, because after awhile, the players just don’t respond to the yelling.

Struggling microbiologist and food preparer Gordon Ramsey is an “,” and that’s probably why people watch him. But he’s a lousy coach.

Gonzalo sent me this youtube clip from Hell’s Kitchen last week, demonstrating coach Ramsey’s unique take on determining whether chicken, and later fish, is cooked or not.

About 1:25 minutes into the clip, Ramsey puts his slimy hands on some chicken and declares,

“Pink bloody chicken. That one is cooked, that one is raw.”

And Ramsey does a full Baby Huey by kicking a garbage can; that’s what happens when the yelling doesn’t work.

Gordon, baby, color is a lousy indicator of whether a piece of chicken is cooked or not. This picture of chicken courtesy of Pete Snyder (left), has been cooked to the required 165 F.  Stick it in, man. And stop being so boring.

Ramsay an ‘arrogant narcissist’

Fresh off a bout of viral food poisoning that was miraculously cured by a penicillin shot to the butt, food buffoon Gordon Ramsey told a cooking session at the Good Food and Wine Show in Melbourne that a doctored picture of a woman with the features of a pig and multiple breasts was similar to television journalist Tracy Grimshaw. Ramsey called her a pig woman and a lesbian.

"I had an interview with her yesterday – holy crap. She needs to see Simon Cowell’s Botox doctor."

Grimshaw, an interviewer with A Current Affair, said,

"I’m not going to sit meekly and let some arrogant narcissist bully me. … Obviously Gordon thinks that any woman who doesn’t find him attractive must be gay. For the record I don’t and I’m not.”

Gordon Ramsey says he got food poisoning from a virus; penicillin fixed him

Food buffoon Gordon Ramsey has once again demonstrated why celebrity chefs may be entertaining but really know nothing about biology – especially food and food safety.

The Daily Telegraph reports that celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, the face of Melbourne’s Good Food and Wine Show this weekend, was forced to spend his first night in Melbourne after the 16-hour flight barfing in his hotel room because of food poisoning.

"I have had a severe food virus and I was constantly vomiting. But I had a jab in the butt and had some penicillin and I felt a lot better at three this morning."

Penicillin is an antibiotic, and completely useless against a food virus or whatever Ramsey thinks made him barf.

Thanks to the food safety dude in Dubai who forwarded the story, one of the tens of thousands of inspectors around the world who actually do know what they’re talking about.

Plastic wrap, food poisoning for Ramsay diner

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay’s five star Claridge’s Hotel in London allegedly served up a meal containing cling film – which is apparently British for plastic wrap – to Noelie Kline, who apparently is some sort of U.K. reality TV regular.

Ms Klineberg says she believes she had suffered food poisoning and has reported the matter to Westminster Council’s environmental health officers.

"It’s all very well Gordon Ramsay going off to America to sort out restaurants but he ought to get his own house in order first."